We would like to welcome you to our open day at the One Leaf therapy centre in Lisbon on Wednesday 25th May
Learn about our Holistic Therapies and how to learn to be a Joki Flow Therapist

Our aim is to introduce our holistic treatment service, and discuss our new training programme for learning the Joki Flow Mobilisation
Therapy. If there is time some of you may be able to sample a short treatment
All you need to do is book a timed slot by writing to us at paul@naturaljokiflow.com or call +351 910 665 601. The open day is complementary and includes a selection of organic refreshments.
Learn the Joki Flow Mobilisation Therapy
We will have some short visual treatments to explain what Joki Flow Mobilisation is about.
The Joki Flow Mobilisation course will start in October 2022.
The time slots are between: 2.30-3.30, 4.00-5.00, and 5.30-6.30.
Please book your time in advance. +351 910 665 601/Paul or paul@naturaljokiflow.com
More details about our treatments can be found on our website at www.naturaljokiflow.org
We look forward to seeing you on the 25th,
Paul & Pasi @Natural Joki Flow